Page name: STD Facts [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-03 03:29:30
Last author: Faery Rule
Owner: Faery Rule
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Please post
that you find out about STD's.

How at risk are you for STD's? When you have sex/sleep with someone anyone you are sleeping with everyone they have had sex with in the last ten years.

[Condoms can help prevent some things, but they are not 100% more like 14% if used alone.]


Did you know that you can get STD's from
sex? There is no absolute safe sex when it comes to STD's.

STD's are spread through ANY
vaginal, oral, and/or anal


DID YOU KNOW.......?

Did you know that there are more than
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES IN THE U.S.A TODAY! And this is the sad part....MANY OF THOSE STD's have absolutely NO CURE. [<img:44166_1164145068.gif>] No I am not trying to scare you into not having sex...[if you want to, go to CARE NET PREGNANCY CENTER (if there is one near you)and/or look it up on a medical website or in a book..ask your doctor if you don't believe me.]I am just trying to spread the word so young people don't have to find out one day that they have an STD or have passed it on to their lover/loved one and feel like they've ruined their life or possibly someone else's! I am just saying think before you act...I know it's hard, but it's worth it to be careful and safe. Trust me when that day comes that you want to marry and have kids and you want to start a life...and then you realize that you can't because of the risk of passing that STD on to your kids (through natural birth) or to your spouse by having sex and/or
sex...what are you going to do?

Incurable STD's
Genital Herpes
Small red bumps, blisters, or open sores on the penis, vagina, or areas close by. Also, vaginal discharge in women. Fever, headache, and muscle aches. Pain when urinating. Itching, burning, or swollen glands in genital area. Pain in legs, buttocks, or genital area. Symptoms may go away and then come back. Some people may have no symptoms. There is no cure. Treatment includes taking a medicine to lower severity of symptoms.
here is a picture but you may just want to go to the site for yourself

Hepatitis B
Mild fever. Headache and muscle aches, joint pain. Tiredness. Loss of appetite. Nausea and vomiting. Dark-colored urine and pale bowel movements. Stomach pain. Skin and whites of eyes turning yellow (jaundice). About 30% of people have no symptoms. Treatment inlcudes taking a medicine to help the liver fight damage from the virus. There are medications available to treat long-lasting (chronic) HBV-infection. These work for some people, but there is no cure for hepatitis B when you first get it.
Fortunately, routine immunization of all children with the Hepatitis B vaccine will hopefully eliminate future Hepatitis B infections

HIV Infection And Aids
May have no symptoms for 10 years or more. Extreme fatigue. Rapid weight loss. Frequent low-grade fevers and night sweats. Frequent yeast infections (in the mouth). Red, brown, or purplish blotches on or under the skin or inside the mouth, nose, or eyelids. Women can have vaginal yeast infections and other STDs, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and menstrual cycle changes. There is no cure. Treatment includes taking medicines to stop the virus from replicating, or making copies of itself.
Keep in mind that the CDC recommends that routine screening for HIV should begin for all teens at age 13 and then repeated each year if they are at high risk for getting an HIV infection.;sz=5&hl=en&start=34&tbnid=L-5bUFecRDBkEM:&tbnh=99&amp;tbnw=78&amp;prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgenital%2Bherpes%26start%3D20%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26ie%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DN

Harmful (if not treated diseases)

Pain or burning when urinating. Yellowish and sometimes bloody discharge from the penis or vagina. But, many men have no symptoms. Can be completely cured, but can be caught again, especially if both sex partners aren't treated.

Most people have no symptoms. Abnormal discharge from the penis or vagina, pain in the testicles, and burning with urinating. Long-term irritation may cause lower abdominal pain, inflammation of the eyes and skin lesions. In women, it can cause inflammation of the pelvic organs pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Chlamydia an be completely cured, but can be caught again, especially if both sex partners aren't treated.

[If you have any of these symptoms go to the doctor or hospitail asap for a check up because its better to know than not to know and find out later, be open with your partner if you do have any of these but other than that have fun and kept the love going around.(Not the DISEASES!)]

How @ Risk Are You?

([F.Y.I.]-> This is assuming that each partner you have slept with or done anything with (including Oral and Anal!) has had the same amount of partners as you!)

How many partners have you had? Ask yourself that question before you scroll down........Okay, ready?...SCROLL!

If you have had 1 partner (and they've had only as many as you) the number of people you are exposed to is 1...unless they've had like 3 partners then you've been exposed to 7...YES 7 people!

ok here's the whole chart that I have, remember it is only show how many people if your partner has had the same amount of partners that you have had!

Number of Sexual partners..........................Number of people exposed to.













Think about it do you want to have sex with that many people? Teens (I am one, too..if you don't believe me then go to my page[Faery Rule]) have a tendency to think "That will never happen to me!" when in reality it could happen to anyone!
ON AND GET IT (if you have an open wound down in that general area)...WHAT ELSE COULD YOU GET LIKE THAT? There are lots of different ways to get STD's, Drinking from the same cup;(My family and I can't share drinks with a family member b/c they have one of the hep viruses. The doc said we couldn't just in case.)Just go surf the web for your own info there are lots of different sites for your own viewing.

HEY HEY! here's for the people that support this wiki should go! I visited STD Facts at wiki!r>

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2007-04-22 [~Le Le~]: ... wow

2007-04-22 [Faery Rule]: some ppl have no lives at all....

2007-04-23 [~Le Le~]: apperently but i could go for an ice cream sunday

2007-04-24 [Faery Rule]: ditto, nice party saturday!

2007-06-07 [Faery Rule]: i need pics so ppl can see wat things are out there!

2007-06-07 [~Le Le~]: well i would do a search on google and look for the websites that have pictures

2007-06-08 [Faery Rule]: yes i know this but i dont have the time to do it all by myself and plus i dont have a comp. anymore

2007-06-08 [~Le Le~]: oh yea

2007-06-10 [Faery Rule]: yes and now i am stress free!

2007-06-18 [Glassphyxie.]: say that people who care about grammar on the internet have no life? Ya know, I don't think anyone could possibly take your "informative" bad grammar seriously. If you care so much about the community, you could start using spell check and stop promoting bad grammar and horrid spelling. Also, Elftown is an art site. I fail to see what STDs have to do with art.

2007-06-18 [Glassphyxie.]: I'm not "mad". I'm just saying, it's hard to take something like this seriously with such horrid grammar and spelling. Your comment made about |-| that much sense because of your bad grammar. Go back to first grade. Then come back and try to prove me wrong.

2007-06-18 [light.]: Watching for the 'lulz'

2007-06-18 [Glassphyxie.]: Really. I also never said this was your wiki.

2007-06-18 [light.]: Because it's hard to take shitty spelling seriously =3

2007-06-18 [Glassphyxie.]: Because I hate it when people abuse the English language. I hate it when people trash art sites. Go to Elfpack or something.

2007-06-18 [Glassphyxie.]: Nobody's trying to make you feel bad, buddy.
Who is twisting words now?

2007-06-18 [~Le Le~]: Ash don't worry about anything ok the situation was handle based on a neutral decsions ok. So no need to write anything back.

2007-08-31 [Phoxx]: Sorry but I think the chance of getting HIV from a toilet seat that has been bled on by a HIV/AIDS-patient is VERY small. Either your genital or anal mucosal tissue has to be in contact with that blood (and if it is, I wonder how you sit on a toilet...).
If a healthcare worker accidentally stings him/herself with a needle that has just been used on a HIV/AIDS-patient, the chance of that person getting HIV as well is 1/1000.
I'm not saying there is no threat, this wiki has a good purpose. But I think we should worry more about using a condom, and less about dirty toilet seats or being afraid of HIV-patients (you can shake hands with them, hug and kiss them and use the same cup to drink from, as long as you both don't have wounds).

2007-09-01 [Faery Rule]: duh im not stupid but some ppl are and the whole thing about 1st grade look forget this wiki screw it every fucking time i try something you ppl put me down well you know what screw you!

2007-09-01 [Faery Rule]: since no one cares about this wiki and all you are about is GOOD GRAMMAR THEN GO MAKE UR OWN DAMN WIKI

2007-09-01 [Phoxx]: I just said it's a good wiki. I never said anything about grammar. I admire that you've given time to warn you peers here on ET while they're just being dumb and waste their time on bullshit I don't even want to know about.
Just remain realistic. Put it back up if you can.

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